Fruit Ice Creams » Blackcurrant Ice Creams Varieties

Blackcurrant Ice Cream Varieties

Blackcurrants are abudant in middle of August month. Blackcurrants are rich in vitamin C, minerals and fibre. Black Currant Ice-cream is a low calorie ice cream, mixed with black currant and low fat milk. It is one of the easiest ice cream recipes which are best to enjoy in this summer season.

Black Current Ice Cream
Blackcurrant Ice Cream

Put the blackcurrants in a pan with the water and sugar. Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, then bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes. Puree in a blender or food processor, then pass through a sieve (strainer). Beat the egg yolks, then gradually whisk in the puree. Cool slightly, then stir in the single cream.

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