Ice Cream Sculptures

Ice Cream House
Ice Cream House

Four liter containers of ice cream, choose some color or flavor for the walls of the house.Two liter container of chocolate ice cream for the top (roof) of the house.
Five marshmallows (choice is yours here we used pink and white).

Ice Cream chicken
Ice Cream Chicken

Take any flavor of ice cream and fill it in a hemisphere shaper for the body part Frost the body part with color that is similar to the shade of caramel to be coated at last Parchment the part which gives a smooth finish

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Ice Cream Ship

Ice Cream Ship

Four liter containers of ice cream, choose some color or flavor for the walls of the house.(We chose vanilla) . To create a funnel we need an ice cream roll. To build the rails we make use of Red strawberry licorice strips and Cocktail sticks.


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